Success StampedeWhere did the name Success Stampede originate from?

In 2007 a friend turned me on to a book called Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander. For those who have not read it, Scott’s message is; In life we can stand around like cows, or we can run full steam ahead and CHARGE through life like a Rhino! It was one of those books, because it was a fun and easy read it stuck with me.

Success means different things to different people, no matter what it means to you I’d like to help you find yours.

Stampede is the action, much like the lesson in Scott’ book, it’s the action, the movement, the progress and the community we are building as we go after our successes.

That’s why I chose the name Success Stampede and have fun with incorporating the Rhino in a lot of what we do here.

Thanks Scott! (see ya on Facebook)

Disclaimer: When I say “we” I often mean me and my family, we all have different talents and they combine to deliver, and be of service to you and your success in life. As we grow, as the stampede gets bigger, so will our team. So if I awkwardly refer to us and we, and then switch back to I, cut me some slack. It just means my 10 year old photographer / proof reader had to go to Girls Scouts that day. : )

Success Stampede was created for everyone who would like to improve their personal situation, using life lessons and experience we have collected and posted here.

What The Heck Are We Doing Here?

We are here to be of service to you and help you succeed, because as you succeed so do we. We will learn and progress together as we create our optimal paths though the journey that is life.

Wait a minute! That was too deep, part of me saying, “What the heck did that mean?” We will show you the stuff to do to get to where you want to go, and show you examples of our successes using the information we will cover, as well as our epic failures along the way. How’s that for a very long abbreviated version?

Also, we know that time is a very very valuable commodity today, so we promise to deliver the knowledge we cover in a quick learning style that will allow you to incorporate it into daily action quickly, and also give all the information you need to explore the ideas in depth if you choose to do so.


Our message will change as we progress, for now I’d like to share the lesson that has paid huge dividends in the “Taking Action” category is TO JUST GET STARTED and not worry as I did for so many years about being perfect. This website, the Success Stampede brand, and the movement we are creating should have taken place years ago (and I know we should not live in the past), but because of my past struggle with unhealthy perfectionism it has been redesigned, recreated, examined, torn apart, re-redesigned and restarted and never truly launched.

Does this sound familiar? THAT’S AWESOME. Run with us as we build this community, we will help each other move past our unhealthy perfectionism and a slew of other challenges that are keeping us from doing our GREATEST WORK.

We promise no matter what you are trying to improve upon, we will keep the information within this website adaptable for your interests, projects, and life.

Another great resource is our Success Stampede Instagram page many of the quote graphics you see here are first posted there.